December 22, 2023

McCarthy Successor Disqualified from Election by CA Sec. of State

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) went from being "the man with a plan" to someone now struggling to keep his head above water.

When McCarthy was removed as Speaker, it was almost a given that he would not run for re-election, but he took it a step further and resigned his seat effective December 31, 2023.

He also hand-picked his successor to that seat, but the California Secretary of State has thrown a wrench into the system to spoil his plans.

The Law Says…

California law stipulates that you cannot be on the same ballot for two different posts, but that would be the case if McCarthy’s hand-picked successor, Assemblyman Vince Fong, were to run for his seat.

Fong had already turned in his paperwork to run for re-election in the Assembly before McCarthy resigned the seat.

Then, after McCarthy resigned, Fong tried to register for the special election for the seat but was told he was disqualified due to the rule mentioned above.

Fong has already stated that he will litigate the issue, but the law is the law, with the only possible solution being to remove him from the Assembly election, and why would we think Democrats would help him with that?

This is going to open the door in the election for someone outside of McCarthy’s reach and believe me, McCarthy wants his man in that seat so he still has influence in Congress if he joins Trump’s cabinet (if Trump wins the 2024 election).

One name that is popping up is Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, who is not affiliated with McCarthy, and he can make the pitch that it is time for fresh blood in Congress.

Boudreaux stated, “I like Kevin, I like Vince, I like both of them. But if I do get out there, it’s going to be a platform on my own.”

He added, “At the end of the day, the voters are going to have to decide – do we want what we had or do we want something new?”

And Boudreaux has the profile to mount a successful challenge, having refused to enforce Gov. Gavin Newsom’s mask mandate during COVID, getting himself some national headlines in the process.

I, for one, say let’s get some new blood in there and start weeding out the establishment, not to mention the pleasure of dealing McCarthy one more loss.

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