October 7, 2023

McCarthy Dismisses Resignation Report

There have been rumors that Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, was going to resign from his role in Congress following his ouster from the speaker's chair.

We have a response from Kevin McCarthy himself regarding the report:

Not true.

Shortly after Kevin McCarthy was controversially booted from his role as the speaker of the House of Representatives, Politico put out a report that McCarthy was considering "resigning from the House before the end of his term."

You can see the fake news article here if you want to give them the satisfaction of the ad revenue.

Assuming you don't want these guys to make a single cent off of you, you'll just have to take my word for it.

McCarthy has completely debunked the reports already.

"No, I’m not resigning. I’m staying, so don’t worry," Kevin said, adding:

We’re going to keep the majority, I’m going to help the people I got here and we’re going to expand it further.

During the same event at which he made that statement, McCarthy also indicated that he had already spoken to Steve Scalise, a Republican from Louisiana, and Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, about the race to succeed him.

"I’m going to spend time with my family," McCarthy told Republican allies after he'd been ousted. "I might have been given a bad break, but I’m still the luckiest man alive."

Credit to Kevin McCarthy.

Even if you don't agree with everything that he did, a lot of people truly believe that McCarthy was only doing what he had to do to keep this country going.

Unfortunately, with the hatred between liberals and conservatives flowing so easily in this country right now, it was never going to be an easy job for McCarthy to get the two sides to come together.

In fact, maybe it was even a little harder than he had imagined.

Regardless, for the most part, McCarthy has handled this situation with about as much grace and respect as you could ask.

Maybe it's not the way Donald Trump would have done it, but there's more than one way to skin a cat.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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