November 3, 2023

Massive Caravan Heading to US from Mexico

Joe Biden has another immigration problem on his hands.

While numbers at the border have been absurdly high, we have not heard any stories about caravans as of late.

That all changed this week when it was reported that a caravan of about 5,000 migrants was headed to the US border from Mexico.

Here We Go

If you recall, this was the norm toward the latter part of the Trump administration and the early days of the Biden administration.

Starting in 2018, organizers were getting massive groups of migrants to flood the border.

Trump did his best to turn them away, but Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas welcomed them all with open arms.

The latest group hails from Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, and Venezuela, according to the caravan organizers.

The migrants were reportedly waiting for visas in the city of Tapachula near the Guatemalan border, but they got tired of waiting, so now they are going to enter the country illegally.

Biden set an overall record again in Fiscal Year 2023, so this is not the way he is going to want to start Fiscal Year 2024.

Border cities in Texas are at their breaking points and Democrat-run sanctuary cities, such as New York, are saying they are overwhelmed after receiving fewer migrants in a year than Texas sees in just a few weeks.

This country is at its breaking point, with more than four million encounters at the southern border alone over the last two years.

When you add in the legal sanctuary requests, airport, and northern border encounters, we are well over five million. You can probably add at least another million in gotaways, and these numbers keep climbing.

To this point, the only thing Biden has done is create apps that creatively turn illegal immigrants into legal ones, but even that has barely put a dent in the illegal numbers.

Sadly, they have no sign of changing their policies, so the border will continue to be an open spigot.

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