December 17, 2023

Man sentenced in shooting deaths of retired NH couple

Bringing an end to a case that shocked the town of Concord, New Hampshire, Logan Clegg was sentenced last week to 50 years to life in prison for killing a couple as they walked a wooded path near their home, as CBS News reported.

Clegg, 27, learned his fate on Friday when Superior Court Judge John Kissinger Jr. declared him a “stone-cold, violent murderer” and put him away for the next several decades, at least.

Conviction secured

As USA Today reported, Clegg, who was said to have been living in a tent in the woods at the time of his crimes, was convicted in late October for the 2022 killings of spouses Stephen and Djeswende Reid.

Prosecutors had contended that the late couple departed their residence on the afternoon of April 18, 2022 for a walk around Broken Ground Trails, but were never seen or heard from again.

Clegg was accused of “knowingly and recklessly” killing the pair by inflicting multiple gunshot wounds and also dragging their corpses and covering them over with sticks, leaves, and other debris.

It took the jury in the case a day and a half to convict Clegg on four counts of second-degree murder, four counts of falsifying physical evidence, and a count of felony possession of a firearm.

At the time of Clegg's conviction, New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella said, “Today our thoughts are with Stephen and Djeswende Reid, their family, and all those who knew and loved them,” but the precise length of the killer's sentence had yet to be determined.

Brian Reid, the deceased couple's son, said at the time of Clegg's conviction, “A liar, a thief, a murderer has been brought to justice today, more importantly forever. Let it be known that the legacy of my parents' humanitarian work, their kindness, their love for life will endure. Let today be a reminder of the value of human life and the strength of community.”

Sentence rendered

Judge Kissinger did not hold back when handing down Clegg's sentence, declaring him a “stone-cold, violent murderer, nothing more.”

“He shot and killed Steve and Wendy Reid for no reason...[h]e deserves nothing less than a sentence that reflects the magnitude of his crimes, and for that reason, I'm going to fully impose the sentences as recommended by the state,” Kissinger went on.

The judge added of Clegg, “I truly hope he engages in rehabilitation, but there is no chance – if this sentence holds – that he will spend a day outside of the prison.”

Hopefully this outcome brings at least some sense of closure and relief to the grieving members of the Reid family and all others who loved the victims of Clegg's unspeakable actions.

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