October 30, 2023

Man Removed from Hillary Clinton Event Drug Out on His Back

How far to too far… that is the question a lot of people are asking after seeing how security at a recent Democrat even treated a Hillary Clinton heckler.

The man in question asked a question about Bill Clinton, clearly trying to get a rise out of Hillary.

Instead, security showed up, dropped him to the ground, then proceeded to drag him out of the event on his back.

Did They Go Too Far

So, conservative and Republican speakers have been dealing with hecklers like this for most of the last decade.

In fact, you could make the argument that Democrats have been encouraging this, only now their own playbook is being used against them.

In this case, it was Alex Rosen who jumped up to ask Hillary why Bill went to Epstein’s little fantasy island 26 times.

Security pounced on the guy, eventually pushing him down to the ground and dragging him out of the event…

You can even hear someone at the end of that video asking, “Is this necessary, officers?”

Keep in mind, that event was for Sheila Jackson Lee, the California Representative who just had audio leaked of her berating a staffer, which somehow got dismissed by the mainstream media as a partisan political attack.

Democrats should be calling her out, not supporting her campaign for mayor of Houston, but I digress.

So, let me ask you guys… let’s just pretend for a second that is Donald Trump up on that stage. If a liberal heckler was dragged out of that room like that, how do you think the media would be reacting?

It would have been front-page news and the opening story of most broadcasts, right?

Instead, it was barely picked up by major outlets and unless you read alt-media or happened to be following Rosen or someone else that did and reposted the video, you would never have known about it.

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