November 21, 2023

Man Arrested in Ohio for Fake Palestinian Hate Crime

Give people any openings these days, and they will try to exploit it if they can.

The war between Israel and Hamas has elevated anti-Semitism around the world, including here in the United States.

This is because many on the left are supporting Palestine, to the point one man faked a hate crime against Palestinians to try to help their cause.

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According to Hesham A. Ayyad, 20, someone ran him over in a car while ranting anti-Palestinian slurs at him.

Ayyad took his story to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR then pressed the issue on X, demanding an investigation. Accompanying the X post was a picture of Ayyad in a hospital wearing a neck brace.

This, by the way, is the organization Republicans linked to alleged terrorist organizations when Trump was in office.

They got their investigation, but the results were not quite what they had thought.

The injuries were actually from a fight that Ayyad had with his brother, so police arrested him for making false alarms, falsification, obstructing official business, domestic violence, and assault…

Police explained, “Injuries sustained at the time of the incident were caused by a violent fight that the alleged victim had participated in with his brother, which was confirmed by area video surveillance.”

His brother, Khalil A. Ayyad, was also reportedly arrested, and charged with domestic violence and assault.

At the time of this report, CAIR had not deleted or updated the post, but there were community notes calling out the report as a hoax.

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