October 14, 2024

Male Black Voters Push Back Against Obama’s Identity Politics

Last week, Barack Obama hit the campaign trail for Kamala Harris, but it did not go over so well.

Harris was caught, for use of a better term, blacksplaining to some young black male voters about why they should vote for Harris.

He did not cite policy, achievements, or agenda, just merely the fact she was black, and some male black voters did not take too kindly to it.

Pushing Back

Here is the video that created all the outrage…

We covered this speech last week, and as I had stated, it was about as racist as it gets.

Picture a Republican woman standing around telling white conservative women that they needed to vote for Donald Trump because he is white and they share the same experiences. How long before the media had a total meltdown?

After black-shaming them, Biden also tried to paint them as misogynists, stating, “You’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, I’ve got a problem with that.

“Because part of it makes me think – and I’m speaking to men directly – part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”

By the way, Barry, the excuses they are giving you are actually concerns, and I am sure they do not appreciate those concerns being belittled.

CJ Pearson, co-chair of the GOP’s Youth Advisory Council, commented, “Barack Obama … believes that black men should set aside our disagreements, set aside our grievances and just ‘take one for the team.’

“Barack, we’ve been ‘taking one for the team,’ when it comes to supporting the Democrat Party, for decades.

“And what do we have to show for it? Our inner cities are destroyed, violent crime is up, we are living in poverty in far too many communities across this country.”

Rob Smith, a media contributor, also commented, stating, “Sorry, Obama, I’m a black man, and I’m voting for Donald Trump for president, and there’s no amount of lecturing, or bullying or shaming that you can do, that is going to make me change that decision.

“You may be the surrogate black dad for a lot of fatherless black boys that are running around this country, but I’ve got a dad, I know who he is, and it ain’t you.”

I have to tell you, this all stinks of desperation from where I am sitting, as the Dems are throwing nothing but Hail Marys right now.

Harris is still up in national polling and in a virtual tie for every battleground state, so this is far from over, but her campaign is making moves like they know they are going to get trounced.

Something tells me that Harris's internal polling is not doing well right now because I just can’t believe they are resorting to these tactics, which are clearly only aggravating voters more.

Black voters no longer fall for the “unity” vote, as they have clearly placed their trust in Democrats far too many times only to be ignored the second the election was finalized.

And if the Dems lose minority votes, the party is cooked.

Honestly, if the GOP did not have such a controversial candidate right now, I think this race would be a complete and utter blowout.

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