December 14, 2023

Major Obama-Democrat Fundraiser Guilty of Embezzlement

A major Democrat fundraiser is now getting fitted for one of those fancy orange jumpsuits.

Dixon Slingerland, who led the Youth Policy Institute (YPI), a federally-funded nonprofit aimed at reducing poverty in Los Angeles, is being sent to prison for embezzlement.

Slingerland was using funds to help pad his own lifestyle, not to mention some rather significant donations to Democrat politicians, including the golden boy, Barack Obama.

Show Me the Money

From 1996 to 2019, guess who a big fundraiser for former president Barack Obama was? Yes, it was Slingerland.

He used funds for his organization, which were actually taxpayer dollars, to pay for a swanky dinner in NYC, private tutoring, and a new computer and software, all the to tune of about $19,000.

In all, he has been accused of “misappropriating” $600,000 in grant funding, largely from the federal government.

From 2006 to 2019, his organization received tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, which he occasionally taped into for his own personal use.

The majority of that money was received when Barack Obama was sitting in the Oval Office.

He returned the favor by raising nearly $750,000 for Obama between 2007 and 2012 to support his presidential campaigns.

That granted him access to the White House, having made several trips to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue during the Obama administration.

Eric Garcetti, the former Mayor of Los Angeles and current United States Ambassador to India, was also the recipient of Slingerland’s fundraising efforts.

Between 2006 and 2020, Slingerland had donated more than $100,000 to various Democrat causes and candidates.

By the way, he was also paying himself a hefty salary of $400,000 for running the non-profit because I guess all that federal money has to go somewhere, so why not his bank account?

Just another corrupt cog in the Democrat money-making machine.

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