June 17, 2024

Mainstream Media Reveals Identity of Hunter Biden Juror

Last week, Hunter Biden’s gun charges trial wrapped up and went to the jury.

The jury only needed hours to convict Hunter Biden on all charges, just as it should have been.

The mainstream media seemed a bit upset, and an ABC reporter ended up doxxing a juror in the case.


ABC senior national correspondent Terry Moran went a different route than CBS News and NBC News.

Those two networks also talked to Juror 10, who clearly did not want his name and image revealed to the world.

Both of those networks covered the juror’s face during their segments, but ABC News and Moran decided to blast the man’s image across the country for everyone to see.

The juror stated that the initial vote was 6-6, then added that after some debate, all the jurors agreed that Hunter was still using when he bought the gun, contrary to the defense’s argument that Hunter was clean at the time and the law should not have been applied to him.

When the juror was asked if he ever bought into the idea that Hunter was not abusing drugs, the juror did not hesitate, “No, not at all.”

ABC blasted the juror’s face all over the news, while NBC and CBS showed the back of the juror rather this his face, noting that he wanted to keep his identity secret.

When you consider the trial was held in Biden’s home state, a state that is packed with liberals, ABC may have just put this man’s life at risk.

Now, before we close this one out, and for those saying this is no big deal, imagine Fox News showing a picture of the jurors who voted to convict Trump without having their permission to do so.

We would already be talking about lawsuits against Fox News and demands to provide around-the-clock security.

Just another cheesy move by the mainstream media that shows the duplicity in how every story is treated based on who it actually benefits.

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