February 4, 2024

Lizzo's Request To Toss Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Denied By Judge

Famous entertainer Lizzo made a name for herself in recent years due to her plus-sized positive agenda and viral hits.

It seems that she thinks fame means she can get away with whatever she wants -- even sexual harassment lawsuits.

If you haven’t caught up with the accusations that have been brought against Lizzo, you might want to take some time to do some reading.

But, be warned, it is disturbing.

In just one of the many claims that were filed, Lizzo is said to have been “inviting cast members to take turns touching the nude performers, catching dildos launched from the performers’ vaginas, and eating bananas protruding from the performers’ vaginas.”

The accusations are dark and twisted and something that you would think a well-known celebrity would want to clear up.

Not Lizzo!

She wants the sexual harassment lawsuits DROPPED.

Unfortunately for her, the LA County Judge on her case has denied her request.

This means the sexual harassment case will go to trial.

If any of these sickening allegations are true -- Lizzo’s days as a celebrated pop icon are numbered.

Attorney Ron Zambrano, who is representing the accusers, said that while a few allegations were dismissed, the "other claims remain, including sexual, religious and racial discrimination, sexual harassment, the demeaning visits to the Bananenbar in Amsterdam and Crazy Horse in Paris, false imprisonment, and assault.”

Zambrano delivered a massive reality check to Lizzo about what is to come in the trial.
"The ruling also rightfully signals that Lizzo, or any celebrity, is not insulated from this sort of reprehensible conduct merely because she is famous," Zambrano said.

Zambrano is right.

You do not get to walk around acting like you are above the law just because you are FAMOUS.

The sooner celebrities like Lizzo learn this, the better.

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There is no trial date that has been set at this time.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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