June 13, 2024

Lindsey Graham shoots down proposed SCOTUS rules from Senate Dems

Senate Democrats have been looking to impose their own restrictions on America's Supreme Court ever since Donald Trump was allowed to fill three justice spots in just a four-year term.

Finally, it looks as if a Republican might have figured out how to stop them.

An attempt by Senate Democrats on June 12 to impose new ethics rules on members of the Supreme Court was recently blocked by Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, "sought a unanimous consent request to pass legislation championed by him and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) to implement a code of conduct for the high court."

The legislation also included ways to investigate alleged violations, require public disclosure of gifts, and force justices to explain recusals publicly.

"The ethics crisis at the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, is unacceptable," Dick Durbin said. "It is unsustainable and unworthy of the highest court in the land."

Durbin and others are outraged because the Supreme Court has finally come out and disclosed all of the free gifts and cash advances that its members had been receiving, and many people felt that the rewards were lavish enough that it could impact the way the judges rule in the future.

For example, could Ketanji Brown-Jackson's thousands of dollars worth of Beyoncé tickets make her more likely to side with a certain group in the entertainment industry?

Republicans aren't saying that bribery in the Supreme Court is correct, but Lindsey Graham doesn't like the way liberals are going about things.

Would Democrats be so eager to change the rules of the Supreme Court if they happened to be in charge of it right now?

Lindsey Graham doesn't think so, and that's one of the main reasons he blocked the legislation.

"This would be an overreach, undermine the court’s ability to operate effectively, and has been a continued effort by our friends on the Democratic side to undermine a court they don’t like," Graham, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary, said.

To learn more about the details of this story, feel free to click on the source link here.

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