January 8, 2024

Letitia James Heavily Criticized for Upping Civil Lawsuit Before Closing Arguments

New York Attorney General Letitia James has decided to up the ante in her civil suit for fraud against Donald Trump.

When the suit was initially filed, James wanted to hit Trump with a $250 million fine.

Now, with closing arguments on the schedule, James has decided to up that number to $370 million.

Clean Him Out

The summations are scheduled to take place later this week, and it sounds like Letitia James will be the one doing the closing argument for the plaintiffs.

James, however, made a move on Friday to try to hurt Trump even more, upping the requested settlement to $370 million, almost 50% more than the initial suit called for.

James came under considerable fire after making her motion, with Trump attorney Alina Habba leading the charge.

Habba called her a “fame-hungry human being” who has put politics over the interests of her constituents.

She went on to say that Trump’s expert witnesses had testified that Trump had actually undervalued his properties, not overvaluing them as James’ witnesses testified.

Furthermore, bank officials had testified that Trump paid back all his loans, sometimes early, and that he was a “great client.”

Habba later added, "She wants to completely wipe clean the bank account of the Trump Organization. She wants to hurt individuals who have done nothing wrong. She wants to disgorge them of their severance pay.

"Imagine the lengths she is going to personally hurt Trump because she ran a campaign on going after Trump, and she has to keep her political promise. It is so sick and sad, honestly, for New York."

Habba also stated that she hoped the judge could see through all of this, but the judge in the case is no friend of Trump’s, having slapped Trump with a gag order as well as issuing a partial summary judgment before the trial started against Trump.

Habba needs to brace herself for the fact that Trump is going to lose this trial and her best chance of getting Trump a victory will be on appeal.

Habba did get one thing right, however, in that James ran a campaign on taking out Trump, politicizing this case from the outset, so it will be interesting to see what happens to her career if, in fact, Trump is able to get this ruling overturned on appeal.

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