March 12, 2024

Laken Riley’s Parents Pose for Photo with Trump

Donald Trump has been rallying supporters after the death of Laken Riley, a Georgia student who was out for a run.

The young lady was allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant with a previous record.

Trump is using her death to show just how much damage Biden’s immigration policies have done to this country.

Laken’s Death

Trump referred to Riley’s death during a recent rally to get the crowd worked up over immigration.

He stated, “Sixteen days ago, Laken went out for a morning jog.

“She was in great shape. She wanted to keep herself that way. And she never came back, never came back. They knew something was wrong.

“An illegal alien criminal who Joe Biden intentionally released into our country has been [charged with murder], and … he’s released tens of thousand[s] of people like this. Tens of thousands.

“Because you know, they come from jails, and they come from mental institutions. He released them into our country.”

Trump continued, “Biden has implemented a formal policy that illegal aliens who intrude into the United States are granted immunity from deportation.

“Thus, when this monster showed up at our border he was set free immediately under the program that crooked Joe created.”

Trump met with the family, autographing a picture of Laken Riley for her parents…

Looking at that picture, my feelings are a bit mixed.

Laken’s death is surely proof-positive that Biden’s border failures are putting Americans at risk.

Having said that, I am just not a fan of using a tragedy for a photo op, especially with everyone mugging for the camera with a big smile on their face while holding an autographed picture of a girl who was horrifically murdered less than a month ago.

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