November 22, 2023

Lake Campaign Appears to be Shadow Campaign for VP

Kari Lake recently announced that she was running for Senator in Arizona.

Lake, who recently lost a key election in the gubernatorial race, appears to have a different agenda, however.

Many people are noticing that even though she is running for the Senate, she seems to be making a case to have Trump put her on the ticket as his VP.

Shadow Campaign

Trump has hinted that he will be naming a woman as his VP and to Trump supporters, Lake seems like an ideal choice.

She has basically turned into the female version of Trump, and his camp is noticing.

A Trump operative stated, “A lot of it looks and smells like the kind of stuff you’d do on the [presidential campaign] trail.

“Personally, I don’t see it. But obviously, President Trump is a big fan, so you can’t count her out.”

I tend to agree that this would be a bad idea for Trump to even consider.

The VP is typically added to cover a demographic that would help the president secure the win. In 2016, Trump added Pence to win over evangelicals.

In 2020, Joe Biden added Kamala Harris to help him with black voters.

Lake brings nothing to the table for Trump, as she lost her state in the gubernatorial race and most women outside of Trump’s base cannot stand the woman.

I have long stated that I think the ideal VP choice for Trump would be Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.), who could be a difference-maker for Trump.

Joe Biden is bleeding black voters right now and Trump’s numbers go through the roof if he has a black VP, so Scott is a no-brainer as far as I can tell, if he would consider running with Trump.

That, however, is a big IF simply because we have seen political careers ended by joining forces with Trump.

The upside for Scott is that he would surely head into the 2028 cycle as the frontrunner if Trump wins in 2024.

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