February 27, 2024

Koch-backed Network Withdrawals Financial Support from Haley Campaign

Nikki Haley did not have the day she planned during the South Carolina primary this weekend.

Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, had to think she had a shot in her home state regardless of what the polls were saying.

While she did outperform the polls, she still lost by 20%, which was enough for some major donors to call it quits on Haley.

Good Money After Bad

When you see people like Asa Hutchinson and Chris Christie running for president, you have to wonder why people donate to these campaigns.

Haley was a different story, however, as she had momentum against Trump and was outperforming Ron DeSantis, who was supposed to be Trump’s big rival in the race.

To that point, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a PAC backed by the very influential Koch network, decided to throw their juice behind Haley’s campaign.

After seeing her lose in South Carolina, however, they decided putting more money into a campaign that is clearly dead is not worth it anymore.

AFP Action senior adviser Emily Seide says they still endorse Haley, but they are going to put their money to use in other ways.

Seidel wrote, "And so while we will continue to endorse her, we will focus our resources where we can make the difference. And that’s the U.S. Senate and House.”

That should be good news for conservatives because Trump operatives are expected to take over the RNC and if that happens, the only person getting money from the RNC will be Trump, so those down-ballot candidates are going to need serious help financially.

For her part, Haley took the breakup rather well, stating, "Americans for Prosperity was an amazing partner. They strongly believe in freedom. They believe in limited government. They believe in all the things that I, as a conservative, believe. And they've been fantastic through these states.”

Haley then added that she will continue fighting “for the 70% of Americans that don't want to see a Trump-Biden rematch."

I find that polling ironic, however, because Americans had a choice, and they have overwhelmingly voted for Biden and Trump in their respective primaries, so this is clearly the matchup voters want to see.

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