October 16, 2023

Kevin McCarthy Makes His Prediction for Speaker of the House

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was silent as a lamb after Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), the Majority Leader in the House, was elected as the nominee for the GOP Speakership.

I believe that silence hurt Scalise, but I also believe McCarthy was still hoping that he could somehow get the gavel back.

This time, however, McCarthy is speaking up with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-0H) now the nominee.

Jim Can Do It

I had no problem saying that I read the room wrong on this one.

I thought regardless of who won that first election, he would be unanimously supported in the House for Speaker, but when McCarthy did not openly voice support for Scalise, the writing was on the wall.

I will go out on a limb and say that Trump told McCarthy to sit on his hands because Jordan was his guy.

To that point, McCarthy changed when Jordan won the second election, more or less telling his supporters to fall in line with Jordan this time.

McCarthy stated, “I did walk in with more support during this time, but I believe, at the end of the day, Jim can get there. And I’m doing everything I can to help him be able to become Speaker.”

Rumors started to surface over the weekend that there may even be some Republicans making deals with Rep. Jeffries (D-N.Y.), possibly to elect him as Speaker, which would be a crushing defeat for Republicans and ensure that we lose the House in the 2024 cycle.

According to McCarthy, Jordan spent the weekend calling every member who opposes him, and there are close to five dozen who have openly stated they will not vote for him on Friday.

McCarthy stated, “I talked to Jim last night. He’s talking to every single member, assessing what their challenges are. But we have got to be able to work together.”

If Jordan does not get this vote, I honestly do not know where the GOP finds someone that everyone would fall in line behind, but I do know they need to stop playing games, including McCarthy, who is clearly still bitter he was voted out.

My last point on this is that we cannot allow Rep. Jeffries (D-N.Y.) to continue to tout “extremists” taking over the party and holding the House hostage.

I, for one, have been hammering him on X every time he makes that statement to remind people that Jeffries ordered the entire Democrat caucus to vote with Gaetz to have McCarthy removed. He did this after reports surfaced that enough Democrats in the House Problem Solvers Caucus would vote to keep McCarthy in, which would have offset the Gaetz contingent.

This chaos was created on purpose and Democrats are right in the middle of all of it.

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