February 8, 2024

Kerry’s Office Now Subject of Oversight Committee Probe

For more than a year, there have been rumors and leaked communications regarding “off the books” communications between Climate Envoy John Kerry’s office and eco groups.

So much so, that it appeared that these groups were the ones setting, or at the very least having a strong influence on policy.

So, the House Oversight Committee is now opening a probe into the matter.

Check It Out

I cannot help but question why it took so long for the House to open this investigation.

As I noted in the opening, this information has been out there for more than a year, but I guess late is better than never.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) penned a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding any and all information he may have on the matter be shared with the committee.

In part, the letter stated, "Meetings with leftist environmental organizations, sometimes collectively addressed as the 'Kitchen Cabinet,' go far beyond normal briefings and raise questions regarding possible conflicts of interests involving SPEC staff’s ties to these groups regarding climate finance investments.

“The State Department claims the 'Kitchen Cabinet is an existing group of NGOs that sometimes asks SPEC to brief them… nothing unusual or below board.'

"Documents received by the Committee illustrate that the coordination and briefings are anything but ordinary — a two-way street exists for the purposes of obtaining ‘off the record’ information, receiving climate finance consultation, and influencing U.S. foreign policy positions.”

The problem here is twofold, with one issue being far worse than the other.

First, there is the idea of outsiders influencing policy, but that happens in every administration.

The real issue is that the outsiders being brought in are directly benefiting from the very policies they are influencing by receiving U.S. taxpayer dollars to help their companies… that is a HUGE problem.

Power the Future (PTF) has also filed a FOIA request to get the details of these off-the-record meetings.

PTF Executive Director Daniel Turner stated, "For nearly three years, John Kerry has been jet-setting on the international climate conference circuit while sending taxpayers the bill.

"Today, we begin the process of teaching John Kerry and Joe Biden that they work for the taxpayers. No one should have to waste resources on litigation, but that is our only option since John Kerry thinks he can keep his office off the books."

Keep in mind that John Kerry recently announced that he is leaving, with John Podesta, another corrupt Democrat, taking over the position.

The committee needs to move fast on this to make sure we can still hold Kerry accountable for any misdoings that took place on his watch.

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