March 21, 2024

Ken Buck Voted Out of Freedom Caucus

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) had earlier announced that he was not going to run for re-election.

This opened the door for Rep. Boebert (R-CO), who was struggling for support in CO-3, to run for Bucks seat in CO-4.

Well, Buck turned the entire race on its ear last week when he announced that he would be stepping down this week, and it just cost him his spot in the Freedom Caucus.

See Ya!

When Buck decided to leave office early, it meant that his seat would then have to be filled via special election.

Rather than have an election immediately, Governor Polis, a Democrat, decided to schedule the special election during the same time as the primary election, which means Boebert now has to deal with a split ticket.

On one hand, she will want voters to support the GOP candidate running in the special election to fill the seat until the end of this term, but then she is also asking voters to choose her over the same candidate in the primary election, which she is currently leading in the polling.

The only solution for Boebert would be to resign her seat in CO-3 to run for the CO-4 seat, but she does not want to do that because the GOP can only spare two votes right now.

So, in response, the House Freedom Caucus kicked him out of the caucus, citing that he had not been attending meetings.

It was a parting shot at Buck, but I doubt it is one that he cares about, as he has seemingly fallen off the MAGA bandwagon.

To that point, during a recent interview, he stated, “Well, everywhere I go in Colorado, Dana, I hear that people are not happy with Trump and are not happy with Biden. I think we need to change our electoral laws here and I have a passion for that.

“I’m going to leave and I’m going to fight find the right organization to join.

“I’m going to start work on that issue. We have to have better candidates up and down the ballot, not just president, but Senate, House, and local offices.

“We’ve got to find better ways to elect candidates and bring America together.”

It will take a lot more than Buck to bring this country together right now, as I simply cannot remember a time when both parties had so many different factions battling amongst themselves as well as voters that are at each other’s throats.

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