December 5, 2023

Kelsey Grammer Interview Cut Short After He Says He Supports Trump

Hollywood loves you as long as you are a cash cow, which is what Kelsey Grammer is for Paramount right now, but they will still not allow you to speak freely.

Case in point, a recent interview on BBC where Kelsey Grammer was asked if he still supported Donald Trump for president.

When Grammer was asked if he was still pro-Trump and he answered in the affirmative, Paramount’s PR team stepped in and ended the interview before he could say anything else.

Just Shut Up

Grammer is enjoying a very successful reboot of his “Fraiser” TV series, which was an offshoot of the very successful “Cheers” TV show.

“Cheers” had an amazing run and Grammer was a large part of that success, appearing in 202 episodes from 1984 to 1993 as the strait-laced Dr. Frasier Crane.

When “Cheers” stopped production, “Frasier” was immediately launched, finishing up in 2004 after 263 episodes.

Then, Paramount decided to relaunch the series in 2023, and it has been very well received, which is why Paramount did not want to take any chances.

Grammer was on the BBC discussing a wide range of topics, from personal tragedies to his career and how Roseanne Barr played into the reboot of the show.

Barr is also an open supporter of Trump, which led to host Justin Webb asking Grammer if he is still a supporter of Trump, to which he answered, “I am, and I’ll let that be the end of it.” At that point, the interview was abruptly ended.

Webb explained later, “I have to say, actually, Kelsey Grammer himself was perfectly happy to go on talking about it.

“The Paramount+ PR people, less happy that he talked about it at some length so we… They decided we’d had plenty of time for our interview.

“But I should stress that he was perfectly happy to talk about why he supports Donald Trump and still does in the forthcoming election.”

God forbid you do not fall into the norm in Hollywood for fear of being canceled, something that Paramount was not willing to risk with the show just having been launched.

Now the question is if the liberal horde will pick up on that interview before Paramount can do damage control.

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