January 26, 2024

Katie Couric Blasts Kamala Harris, Says She's 'Not in Charge' of the Border

Katie Couric conducted an interview with Vice President Harris on Wednesday, emphasizing that Harris is not overseeing the southern border.

Couric initiated the discussion on immigration, highlighting the consensus that the immigration system requires comprehensive reform.

Couric acknowledged Harris's prior responsibility for understanding the root causes of the immigration crisis but clarified that Harris is not directly managing the border.

Couric raised concerns about criticisms directed at the administration's handling of the border crisis, citing a 68% disapproval rate among Americans. Harris acknowledged the broken immigration system, emphasizing the need for leaders to actively engage in finding solutions.

She referenced the administration's early efforts, including a proposed $14 billion funding request, to address the ongoing border crisis.

Couric noted the Democratic majority in both the Senate and the House three years ago when the administration introduced its initial immigration reform bill. Harris highlighted the longstanding nature of the issue, criticizing its transformation into a deeply partisan matter.

She expressed frustration with political gamesmanship and emphasized the administration's invitation for bipartisan collaboration to resolve the problem.

Harris accused the GOP of exploiting the issue for political gain, asserting that the administration seeks genuine solutions while the opposition focuses on electoral advantages.

Couric concurred, stating that the strategy appeared effective, but Harris disagreed, asserting that the broken system demands genuine leadership and a commitment to bipartisan problem-solving.

Harris reiterated that the border is "secure," referencing a previous interview with Chuck Todd in 2022 despite the evidence to the contrary with the border crisis under the Biden administration.

When questioned about the two million people crossing the border for the first time, Harris maintained the priority of a secure border for the nation. She acknowledged ongoing challenges, attributing them to the deterioration experienced over the past four years.

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