March 1, 2024

Karine Jean-Pierre Slowly Being Phased Out by John Kirby

About a week ago, it was announced that Pentagon spokesman James Kirby would be taking on a larger role.

We would be seeing more of him and less of Karine Jean-Pierre in the White House briefing room.

There are now reports that this could be Biden’s way of phasing her out.

Changing of the Guard

Jean-Pierre has leaned on other people in press conferences before, and Kirby has often been that person.

However, now he is getting just as much time, if not more, than Jean-Pierre at the podium.

This change started at around the same time Hamas attacked Israel, and it has only progressed since.

So far this year, when Kirby has been in the room, his dais time is almost identical to Jean-Pierre’s, which has a lot of people in the business wondering what is happening here.

Sean Spicer, one of Donald Trump’s former Press Secretaries, stated, “There is no precedent for this. Press secretaries always bring guests, right. It’s like, ‘Hey, we’re gonna have the OMB [the Office of Management and Budget] guys brief you on the budget and talk to you about that.’ That’s normal.

“That’s as old as the job. But this idea that you have a co-press secretary is unprecedented.”

The backroom rumors are that Jean-Pierre is “upset and confused” by Kirby being added to the team and that she is now worried about being replaced.

Making matters even worse for Jean-Pierre is that she is about to lose her Deputy Press Secretary to Apple, with Olivia Dalton announcing just a few days ago that she was running for the door to cash a bigger paycheck in the private sector.

Kirby is a snake and he lies about as much as Biden, but he is more tolerable and professional than Jean-Pierre, but that is not saying much.

At least Kirby addresses the question asked most of the time, while KJP just likes to say she has “nothing more to say about” the topic.

Scott Jennings,  a longtime GOP adviser in Kentucky and veteran of numerous campaigns, hit the nail on the head, stating, “And so if you’re a White House, and you’re trying to communicate to the larger world and also the people in Washington, you know, your chief messenger has to be credible and respected. I think Kirby has achieved that.

“I can’t remember a time when this has happened. I mean, it seems to me they give Kirby all the important things to talk about. And they let her talk about the rest.”

I doubt KJP will be removed so close to the end of Biden’s term, but if he somehow manages to stay in office, I would all but guarantee that KJP will either be removed outright or they will move her over to a different department where she is less visible to the American people.

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