October 12, 2023

Kari Lake Officially Enters Senate Race

Well, the race is on in Arizona.

Failed Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is taking a shot at the Senate seat currently held by Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ).

This will now be a hard-fought three-way race that will play a key role in who gets the gavel in the Senate.

The Race

Lake made her announcement on Tuesday during a rally in Arizona…

With Lake now in the race, we have to start looking at the three-way polling for the seat.

In the most recent polls, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) has the lead with 41%, Lake in second at 36%, and Sinema trailing with 15%.

The scary thing about this is that most of Sinema’s support will slide over to Gallego if she looks at this race before the election and decides she is wasting her time and cannot win.

Blake Masters has also announced, but Lake is polling better than Masters, so, at this point, she is the likely candidate, and I would expect her numbers to go up now that she has officially entered the race.

I think it is also a safe bet that Trump will wind up endorsing Lake very soon to try to give her a boost.

I am not trying to be negative, but I have a hard time believing that Lake can win this race with what happened in the gubernatorial election.

Lake is a polarizing figure who followed Trump’s 2020 plan to the letter after she lost her election, and it has frustrated a lot of people who are just exhausted by the “election was stolen from me narrative.”

Even so, she will have MAGA behind her, which works wonders in primary voting.

If we lose this seat, it makes the task of taking back the Senate much less likely, which would be a disaster if we take the White House back in 2024.

The only way we get things done is to have a united Congress. If not, it does not matter who gets in there because we will have another two years of stagnation while partisan politics plays out.

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