February 21, 2024

Kamala Harris Stepping Up to Try to Save 2024 Campaign

Over the last year, Kamala Harris has all but disappeared from sight.

She had numerous reset opportunities over the first two years of Biden’s presidency, but then she just vanished.

Now, of all people, it is Kamala Harris who believes she can save Joe Biden in 2024.

It’s About Kamala

Harris is front and center in this election because of Biden’s age.

If he falters during a second term, if elected, it would be Harris who would have to step in.

In fact, on both tickets, because of the age of the candidates, the VPs are going to be vetted just as much as the main candidates.

Even though Harris has been an utter disaster when speaking in public, she is apparently getting some attention behind the scenes in her attempts to redirect this campaign.

One report stated that she has told her staffers that they need to “penetrate” the “bubble of Biden campaign thinking.”

Harris has been fielding questions about the campaign, stressing that the administration has not bragged about its accomplishments to this point, and that they deserve more credit than they are currently being given by the media.

What exactly those accomplishments are, I have no idea.

Harris has expressed concerns that Biden will lose “to the couch” rather than to Trump, and she could be right.

In fact, I have raised these same concerns regarding Trump due to the number of conservative voters that have been alienated by his campaign surrogates.

While Joe Biden pretends to ignore the polls, Harris has reportedly been digging into the numbers to develop a strategy to overcome Biden’s failing numbers.

All I know is that Harris was put in charge of solving the “root cause” of our border issues when Biden first took office.

Three years later and with more than seven million illegal immigrant encounters at the southern border, we have not heard a peep from her.

If she handles this campaign like she has her vice presidential duties, that ship is going to sink pretty quickly.

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