December 6, 2023

Judge Rules Emails of Biden Official to be Released

A law in Alabama is being challenged, which the plaintiffs have contended that emails of U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine are relative to.

The Biden administration was trying to block the emails from being released.

However, a federal judge in Alabama has ruled that the emails and other related documents must be turned over.

Let’s See Them

The case in question is Boe v. Marshall, initiated by five parents against the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act.

The legislation was signed into law by Republican Governor Kay Ivey in 2022.

The legislation blocks transition therapy treatments for minors as well as transition surgeries. Any violation would result in significant penalties for healthcare providers offering these services.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall has been seeking these records, but he has been blocked by the administration.

Judge Liles Burke has agreed with Marshall that the documents requested, including relative emails, could significantly impact the case.

However, Burke also stated that the process must not interfere with the current job duties of Levine.

Marshall was very pleased with the decision, stating, "I am glad the court granted our motion to require HHS to search Admiral Levine’s emails for documents relevant to our defense of Alabama’s law.

"We look forward to reviewing the documents HHS produces as we continue to defend Alabama’s children."

The Biden administration has not yet responded to requests for comments on this ruling, but it has to be considered a fairly staggering blow to Levine’s office.

This is obviously a hotly debated topic in this country, although the conversation has died down a bit since we have gotten closer to the election.

Several months ago, this was in the headlines almost every day, but Biden and administration officials, while not backing down off their stance, have clearly tried to keep this on the back burner, not wanting it to become an issue during the upcoming election.

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