May 15, 2024

Judge Refuses to Postpone Hunter Biden Gun Case

Hunter Biden has had yet another bad day in court.

Hunter has managed to go from getting a slap on the wrist to having a judge who now seems to have an ax to grind against him.

To that point, when Hunter’s legal team filed to have the court date extended because they were not yet ready to go to trial, the judge denied their motion.

Be Here on Time

Hunter’s legal team has been playing games all along, quite possibly believing that Daddy would have stepped in by now and ordered Attorney General Merrick Garland to help him out.

That, however, has not yet happened.

With a trial date of June 3 already set, Biden's attorney, Abbe Lowell, just argued that the defense team does not have enough time to complete everything it needs to be ready for this case in the remaining time.

Lowell told the judge, “It cannot be done in two weeks, it just cannot.

“I am pleading with your honor” to allow for more time.

Lowell then stated that he thought the June 3 day was only “penciled in” and was not set in stone.

He went on to say that they needed more time to line up their witnesses, to which Judge Noreika responded, “You said you were available in June.”

Noreika is the same judge who spotted the irregularities in the plea deal and sent the attorneys back to redo it.

Instead, Lowell postured and tore up the agreement, so now they are going to trial when another plea deal surely could have been reached.

Lowell will surely take additional action to try to get this delayed, but I would love to see him lose this battle and be forced to be in court in June.

This would make for some very interesting fodder during the presidential debates because you know Joe Biden will hit Trump hard on his trials.

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