May 10, 2024

Judge Merchan Denies Gag Order Motion by Trump Defense Team

The battle between Judge Merchan and Donald Trump continues, and once again, it is Merchan who has the upper hand.

After Stormy Daniels wrapped up her testimony, Trump’s legal team made a motion to narrow the gag order on Trump.

With her time on the stand done, Trump’s legal team wanted Trump to be able to respond publicly to her testimony, but Judge Merchan shot down the idea.

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Trump has already violated the gag order 10 times, so there is no way Merchan was going to loosen that leash.

Even so, Trump’s team gave it a shot.

Trump attorney Todd Blanche argued, “He needs an opportunity to respond to the American people.

“She is no longer a witness.”

Merchan did not buy into that argument.

Merchan responded, “That’s just not the track record.

“The reason why the gag order is in place to begin with is precisely because of the nature of these attacks — the vitriol.”

Trump again railed about the gag order on Truth Social, posting, “This judge has taken away my constitutional right to free speech. I am the only presidential candidate in history to be gagged. They don’t want me talking.”

Trump is going to get zero breaks from Merchan in this case, but I would not be all that worried about it if I were him.

While he may lose this case when it gets sent to the jury, I still believe this will be an easy reversal for numerous reasons for the appeals court.

I just don’t believe there is any way a guilty verdict would hold up with any of the testimony that I have heard thus far.

To that point, if I were Trump, I would just keep my head down and get through this trail, knowing full well that they have an outstanding case to win on appeal.

So far, every witness called by the prosecution has damaged Bragg's case, not helped it, with Bragg appearing like an amateur hour and someone who is completely incompetent at this job.

Bragg went after Trump to make his career, but it would appear that he ruined it instead.

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