October 22, 2023

Judge Makes Decision To Threaten Trump With Contempt

Judge Arthur Engoron has made quite a name for himself lately.

He's in the papers again.

It's all because of what he just threatened to do to one of America's former presidents.

Donald Trump.

Engoron has been threatening to hold Trump in contempt of court.

Judge Engoron even went so far as to raise the possibility of fining or even jailing Trump because "a disparaging social media post about a key court staffer remained visible for weeks on his campaign website after the judge had ordered it deleted."

Engoron has been a Trump hater for quite some time, so it really is unfortunate that the former president is having to deal with this guy in a juryless trial.

It blows my mind that a lifelong staunch liberal would be allowed to rule over a case that was more about Democrats versus Republicans than about any of the actual facts of the matter.

Engoron has donated literally THOUSANDS of dollars over the years to Democrat causes.

If Engoron is willing to go that far to help the Democrat cause, why would it not cross his mind to put Trump away in order to help his party?

Before you think that something like that should be beneath the people in charge of guarding our legal system, just remember that we're talking about America's liberals here.

They don't care about honesty, they don't care about truth, and they sure don't care about loyalty to the average American.

It's wild that we need a billionaire like Trump to fight for the little people, but that's exactly what he is doing.

And that's exactly why America's liberals have such a problem with him.

They'll do anything they can to put Trump away. That's because it's about more than destroying him. It's about saving themselves.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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