October 20, 2023

Rep. Bacon Says Jordan Needs to Step Back

Party members are starting to get very vocal about Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and what he needs to do to ensure that the GOP can put a Speaker in place before long.

A member of the resistance, Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), believes that Jordan needs to give up his quest for the gavel.

Bacon sees no path for Jordan to 217.

Time to Step Down

Before I get into Bacon’s comments, I wanted to address what I believe could also be hurting Jordan in terms of lack of public support.

When McCarthy was running for Speaker and Jordan was asked about running, he said he had no interest in holding the gavel. He loved running committees and cross-examining witnesses.

After McCarthy was booted, he was also adamant that he did not believe a vote should be put on the floor until they were assured of having the number needed to confirm a Speaker.

Since then, he has run for Speaker, and he has put three votes on the floor knowing they would fail… and that has to hurt his credibility.

Now, as far as Bacon is concerned, his issues go much deeper with Jordan.

He stated, “I believe he’s done. He needs to withdraw from this. He’s going to lose more votes tomorrow. I know it. I know who is going to cross over and change. He doesn’t have a pathway forward to 217.

“There’s two different reasons why. We have a group that worked with him going back ten years. They worked with him on appropriations, more senior folks. He’s created a lot of chaos. I’m in the other camp where I don’t like how he got here.”

Bacon added, “The straw that broke my camel’s back was when five Jordan folks said they would never vote for Steve when he won the majority. Jim was there, and he didn’t speak up, which means he is somewhat complicit.

“You can’t play a game where I’m the only guy playing by the rules and the other guy is not. It’s not American. We believe in fairness, and the law applies to everybody. That wasn’t the case with a small group of individuals here.”

The resistance to Jordan is very real, and there does not seem to be any way around that.

We are now going to find out who is willing to take a hit for the good of the party and who will insist on posturing to feed their ego.

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