February 5, 2024

Johnson Says Trump Not Calling the Shots in the House

Ever since it was announced that the Senate was working on bipartisan immigration reform legislation, Donald Trump has spoken against the legislation. 

With only reports of what was in the legislation, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) followed Trump’s lead by saying that legislation would be dead on arrival in the House.  

That, of course, led to accusations that Trump was calling the shots in Congress.  

No, It’s All Me 

Trump would love for his supporters to believe that he is the one leading congressional decisions right now, but Johnson says that is not the case. 

Johnson was asked point blank by NBC News’ Kristen Welker if it was Trump giving him his orders.  

Johnson replied, “Of course not. He’s not calling the shots. I am calling the shots for the House. That’s our responsibility.  

“And I have been saying this far longer than President Trump has. I have been saying what the requirements are to fix the problem.” 

That is exactly what I would expect Johnson to say, but there is no denying the fact that both publicly and privately, Donald Trump has let his opinion be known. 

And we all know how Trump reacts to Republicans that cross him on policy, so it goes to reason if Johnson wants Trump’s support for the next term, if the GOP manages to keep the House, he will do as Trump wants.  

Johnson also addressed the issue of Biden claiming that he has no power to shut down the border.  

He stated, “I don’t care if they call the legislation H.R. 2 or not. What we’re saying is you have to stem the flow. The president has executive authority right now.  

“As Congress does this negotiation and the debate and the discussion, the president could stop it.” 

Having said all that, there is simply no way the GOP will get behind immigration legislation unless it truly curbs the massive numbers we have seen at the border, and from the reports I have seen, this legislation will not do that. 

Immigration is too important a part of Trump’s campaign for the GOP to pass a bipartisan bill that would hurt Trump in an election... it’s just not going to happen considering he has made this a a central part of his campaign.  

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