October 30, 2023

Johnson Says Subpoena Coming for Hunter Biden

Something tells me that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) was the topic of discussion at the Biden dinner table this weekend.

Johnson has been making quite the splash as of late, especially when it comes to the Biden impeachment inquiry.

On Sunday, Johnson predicted that Hunter Biden’s name is going to show up on a subpoena sooner rather than later in this matter.

We’re Bringing Him In

Johnson has been all over the media circuit since taking the Gavel in the House, so it was no surprise to see him hitting numerous shows this weekend, including “Sunday Morning Futures” on Fox News.

Recently, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) announced that there was a $200,000 direct payment made to Joe Biden via James Biden, which was marked as repayment for a personal loan.

The only problem was there was no trace of that “loan” coming into any of the accounts owned by James Biden. Instead of producing the paperwork, the White Housse only offered up a denial.

There is a big mystery behind that payment as well as money that had been distributed by Hunter Biden, not to mention the statements made by Hunter that were found on his laptop that insinuated Joe was directly involved in his business.

To that point, Johnson stated that perhaps a Hunter Biden subpoena was long “overdue.”

He stated, “Desperate times call for desperate measures, and that perhaps is overdue.

“We’re trying to move forward on this very aggressively.”

Johnson continued, “I think the American people are owed these answers, and I think our suspicions about all this, the evidence that we’ve gathered so far, as you know, is affirming what many of us fear what may be the worst.”

The impeachment inquiry had been put on hold while the Speaker mess was sorted out after the ouster of McCarthy, but Johnson made it very clear that all systems were go now that a new Speaker had been put in place.

It sounds to me that they are not only go, but they are using the NOS and punching the gas pedal to the floor.

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