February 14, 2024

Johnson Says He Will Not Pass Ukraine Funding Bill from Senate

Earlier this week, the Senate passed a massive $95 billion foreign aid package.

The lion’s share of the money, about $60 billion, was tagged for Ukraine.

No worries, though, because according to Speaker Johnson (R-LA), it will never see the House floor.

No Consideration

As far as Johnson is concerned, the bill that that Senate passed was a complete and utter waste of time and resources, despite the fact that nearly two dozen Republicans crossed the aisle to support the bill.

Johnson, when asked if he would put the massive funding bill on the floor, stated, “I certainly don’t right now.

“We’re dealing with the appropriations process. We have immediate deadlines upon us in that.

“That’s where the attention of the House is in this moment.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who has become Enemy #1 for MAGA, took a victory lap after helping to pass the legislation on Tuesday.

McConnell stated, “History settles every account. And today, on the value of American leadership and strength, history will record that the Senate did not blink.”

At this point, the only way that legislation would get to the floor would be for Democrat leadership to do an end-around on Johnson, but that would require enough Republicans to swing the vote to a majority in order for that to happen.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) would have to successfully navigate a discharge petition to make this happen.

And, it goes without saying that any Republican who joined him in this effort would be signing their own death sentence in terms of being elected in 2024, as Donald Trump has already voiced his opposition to the funding bill.

Johnson is currently holding on to his gavel by the skin of his teeth, and I just don’t see him crossing Trump to put this bill on the floor.

If he did that, he would surely be ousted as Speaker in the next term, if not sooner.

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