February 29, 2024

Johnson Reacts to Intense White House Meeting

Earlier this week, Joe Biden had asked congressional leaders to meet him at the White House to discuss the funding bills that had stalled in Congress.

Speaker Johnson (R-LA) was a man on his own island as the only member who was pushing back against the funding that Biden wanted.

Needless to say, the meeting was described as “intense,” but Johnson seemed to make it out unscathed.

Not Wilting

In addition to Biden and Johnson, Senate Majority Leader Schumer (D-N.Y.), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) were in attendance.

Everyone else in the room was pushing for immediate funding for Israel and Ukraine, but Johnson was holding firm and stated he would not flinch until he got significant legislation to get the border under control.

When Johnson was asked if the reports about congressional leaders ganging up on his was accurate, he responded, “Pretty accurate.”

Johnson stated, “Well their reports are pretty accurate. They said that I was on an island by myself, and it was me versus everyone else in the room.

“What the liberal media doesn’t understand, Sean, is that if you’re here in Washington and you’re described as a leader that’s on an island by themselves, it probably means you’re standing with the American people.

“And that’s what I did yesterday, I reminded the president, and all involved that the No. 1 issue in America is that open border.

“The catastrophe that we have that President Biden himself designed, that he caused and created, and I told him — just as I have many times before — he must address it with executive authority. We can’t wait any longer.”

Johnson is 100 percent right in what he said, and I have fully supported him standing firm on this issue until Biden does something about the border.

Not only that, but we want to see more accountability on the part of Ukraine.

I understand the situation is getting dire in Ukraine, but having said that, perhaps Ukraine should have taken better care of the aid it has received thus far.

Its own leaders have admitted to corruption on this front, and perhaps they would not be rationing bullets if everything actually went for its intended use instead of the black market to line the pockets of Ukrainian officials.

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