December 13, 2023

Johnson Outlines 6 Points of Evidence for Impeachment Inquiry

When Rep. Johnson (R-LA) took over as Speaker, he was left with the impeachment inquiry that had been ordered by then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Based on Johnson’s previous comments about impeachment within a year of an election, many thought he would kill it, but this was clearly part of his being elected.

So, to justify the impeachment, Johnson outlines six different points of evidence, showing why the GOP must move forward with this inquiry.

Time to Impeach Joe

When Donald Trump was impeached, Johnson had made statements along the lines that with the election only being a year away, an impeachment would do untold damage to the country.

He even prophesized about possible tit-for-tat politics when Democrats were in the White House.

Of course, those remarks have been thrown right back in his face, which explains his trying to present this impeachment differently.

Johnson, a brilliant attorney in his own right, pointed to six different areas that have made it very difficult to ignore the evidence.

His points were:

  • Biden family businesses took in more than $15 million from overseas
  • Biden spoke with Hunter's business associates at least 22 times
  • Biden lied about his involvement in Hunter’s business dealings
  • There is proof of Biden receiving direct payments from Hunter's business accounts
  • Deviations in the investigations of Hunter Biden
  • An FBI FD-1023 form alleging a $5 million bribe paid to Joe Biden

Johnson then stated, “The House will likely need to go to court to enforce its subpoenas, and opening a formal inquiry – backed by a vote of the full body – puts us in the strongest legal position to gather the evidence and provide transparency to the American people.”

This is a case that Republicans can only win in the court of public opinion because Democrats control the Senate, and there is no way Senator Schumer (D-N.Y.) will floor an impeachment trial if he thinks there is a chance that Biden would lose.

And, trust me, there is no way that enough Democrats will cross the aisle on this, not to mention there are a handful of Republicans in the Senate that do not support the impeachment.

The worst possible thing that Johnson can do is put an impeachment on the floor that does not, at the very least, receive the support of every Republican.

If there is even one party member that votes against it, the media will be all over them, and that soundbite will be in every Democrat ad for the 2024 election cycle.

I stand by the idea that the risk is just too great… I say continue to push the evidence, but wait until a Republican is in office and do a criminal referral if they find out that Biden broke the law.

The upside to this is very limited, and the downside could literally implode the Republican Party and utterly destroy the conservative movement in this country.

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