January 24, 2024

Johnson Blocks Ukraine Funding, Keeps Gavel... for Now

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is doing everything he can to hold on to the gavel right now.

The blocking of Ukraine's aid might wind up being the thing that saves him.

That is especially true now that the White House is specifically pointing the finger at him as the underlying culprit behind the blocking of the aid by Congress.

This has been followed by reports that Trump’s allies in Congress are pressuring Johnson to block any future aid for Ukraine.

No More Spending

My biggest complaint about the aid for Ukraine has been the lack of accountability, and a recent report from the Inspector Generals report proves that concern is warranted.

Many of the hardliners in the House, however, want the aid outright blocked until our border is secure, which is a very valid point, and one that I personally support.

Before we start sending money all over the globe, why are we not securing our borders to halt his insane wave of illegal immigration that has been going on for three years?

The White House, however, is only reporting on the blocking of the legislation, stating, “That’s a question for House Republicans. I think we have proven Republicans in the Senate, and Democrats in the Senate have proven that we actually want to work on this issue, on this broken system, and so if they are real about this, if they want to fix this problem, then they would get involved. They would get involved, but they haven’t.

“This is an issue that Americans care about, and they want to see it done in a bipartisan way. That’s what we’re trying to do. That’s what we’ve tried. I don’t know why House Republicans continue to get in the way.”

The truth is, that is not exactly an accurate statement because recent polling shows providing aid to both Ukraine and Israel is waning in support among Americans.

Karine Jean-Pierre continued, “There was an agreement with folks in the room that we needed to deal with both issues.

“Both issues are really important, and so that’s what I will leave you with, but House Republicans could speak for themselves, and we are saying to them, ‘Why are they getting in the way? Why don’t they come to the table and actually have these negotiations with us as well?'”

Jean-Pierre has become a master spin artist, usually pushing only White House talking points and rarely being honest with the American people, and this is just one more instance of that.

I think Johnson’s position is a tough one, but it is one where he needs to hold firm to ensure there is accountability for the absurd amounts of money our government is spending right now, as well as the need to secure our own border.

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