February 20, 2024

John Oliver Offers Justice Thomas $1M Annually to Retire

Liberals have been trying to have Justice Clarence Thomas removed from the bench from the moment the man was confirmed.

The fire under Thomas has been burning particularly hot the last few years, but now liberals are taking it up a notch.

John Oliver, the host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” has now offered Thomas $1 million a year if he would step down from the bench immediately.

Go Away

Oliver wants Thomas off the bench, and he is willing to pony up a stack of cash to make it happen.

During his show, Oliver stated, "One million dollars a year for the rest of your life, if you simply agree to leave the Supreme Court immediately and never come back.”

On Thomas, Oliver continued, "Clarence Thomas is arguably the most consequential justice on the court right now, and he’s never really seemed to like the job.

“He said, ‘It’s not worth doing for the grief.’ So, what if he can keep the luxury perks he clearly enjoys without having to endure all of that grief.”

Thomas is arguably the most conservative justice on the bench, only having Justice Alito to compete with for that title.

The question now becomes if this would constitute a bribe, but Oliver stated that he consulted with attorneys, and that is not the case.

He stated, "Which seems crazy to me because it really feels like it shouldn’t be. But as they keep pointing out, there are no rules in place to stop me from doing this.

“And let me be clear: HBO is not putting up the money for this. I am personally on the hook.

"You can make me really regret this. I could be doing standup tours to pay for your retirement for years."

Oliver even upped the ante, adding a $2.4 million tour bus to make the offer even more appealing to Thomas.

As much as I am sure Thomas would love to take him up on his offer, Thomas would never retire while a Democrat is in the White House.

If a Republican wins the White House in 2024, I fully expect Thomas to call it a day and retire, but he will most assuredly wait until he is guaranteed that a conservative justice will take his spot.

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