January 15, 2024

John Kerry Leaving Position of Climate Envoy

The man who has been the focus of the Biden climate change agenda is about to step away from his post.

It is now being reported that John Kerry, Biden’s Climate Special Envoy, will be transitioning out of the post in the coming weeks.

Unfortunately, that will not be the last we are going see of Kerry.

Time to Go

John Kerry had been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons as Biden’s special envoy.

Private jet travel has regularly been pointed to as one of the biggest contributing factors to carbon production that needs to be curtailed.

Yet, during the early days of his time in this post, Kerry was regularly using a jet to travel the globe to call out the production of greenhouse gas emissions. Not only that, but his wife owned a jet leasing company.

For that reason, Republicans have been trying to document Kerry’s costs and carbon emissions, but his office has been resistant to supplying the information needed.

Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) is among the GOP members who have been after Kerry from the outset.

She stated, “The gas is always greener when you’re burning fossil fuels in the name of saving the planet.

“According to these Biden bureaucrats’ own actions emitting greenhouse gases while jetting across the world, American-made fossil fuels are not the enemy. The double standard is clear, and Americans have had enough of this hot air.”

Kerry is expected to join Joe Biden’s campaign after he transitions out as envoy.

And yes, he will be spewing the same message regarding climate change, just billing Biden’s campaign instead of the American people.

As of this report, there have been no reports or speculation on who will take over as climate envoy after Kerry transitions out.

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