November 11, 2023

Joe Manchin May Be Considering 2024 Run

Joe Manchin hasn't announced that he's going to run for America's presidency in 2024, but he did just put out a pretty mysterious message about what he is ready to do.

According to the Democrat senator from West Virginia, there's only one thing he wants to do after announcing his shock retirement from the upper chamber.

Joe Manchin wants to work "for all Americans."

That's very interesting. Could Manchin potentially be signaling a third-party run in 2024?

He clearly isn't going to run as a Republican anytime soon, he's a registered Democrat right now.

But getting reelected to the Senate as Democrat seemed to be getting less and less likely for Manchin, as most of his party hates him for occasionally standing up for common sense.

It's surprising that he's even still in the party at all.

He and Kyrsten Sinema, now an Independent from Arizona, were often thought of in the same breath during the beginning of Biden's tenure as president. That's because Biden came in and tried to impose socialist ideas right out of the gate, include spending billions and billions and billions that we simply don't have.

Sinema and Manchin were some of the only Democrats to stand up against the nonsense.

As a result, their own party swore to destroy them.

It kind of worked, I guess.

Sinema is now an Independent, not even being able to tolerate being called a Democrat anymore because she was so ashamed of her actions.

Manchin never left the Democratic Party, but instead abruptly retired because there was no chance that enough Democrats would support him in the future to be reelected.

Now, Manchin may have his sights set on bigger things:

The 2024 presidential election.

"This moment in the nation’s history is so filled with peril and political dysfunction that I want to work not only for my beloved West Virginia but for all Americans," Manchin said. "Working together, I want to eliminate what is standing in the way of so many obvious and popular solutions. While the Democratic and Republican parties increasingly cater to the extremes, most Americans are moderate, levelheaded folks, and they are plain worn out."

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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