October 15, 2023

Joe Biden Under Pressure To Remove Jake Sullivan Over Intelligence Failure

Sen. Marsha Blackburn knows the first thing that Joe Biden should do when he wakes up tomorrow:

Fire national security advisor Jake Sullivan.

Blackburn, a Republican from Tennessee, is the same as many other Americans in that she does not feel safe with Sullivan in his current role.

Because of the Hamas attacks on Israel that rocked the world recently, America needs to be doing all that it can to make sure that its citizens are kept safe.

Sullivan is not capable of doing that, according to Blackburn.

As a result, she's calling for Jake's "immediate removal" in a recent letter to Biden.

Blackburn said that Sullivan "has routinely misled the entire government about the status of security threats around the world."

Sullivan really is extremely clueless and incompetent. This can be seen by looking at his comments just one week prior to Hamas killing well over 1,000 people in Israel. He said:

The Middle East is quieter today than it has been in two decades.

A quick glance at literally any news station would prove that this was a lie.

Sullivan blamed his errors on not having enough time to get his facts straight:

The amount of time that I have to spend on crisis and conflict in the Middle East today compared to any of my predecessors going back to 9/11 is significantly reduced.

Blackburn didn't like this.

Americans deserve to be kept safe, even if that does mean that our leaders have to work a little overtime.

"Yet, to date, over 1,200 Israelis have been killed, over 150 hostages have been taken from the safety of their homes, and at least 27 American lives have been lost, with at least 14 Americans still missing," Blackburn wrote to Biden. "This is Jake Sullivan’s perception of a quiet Middle East. This is unacceptable."

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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