February 2, 2024

Joe Biden Finally Admits There is a Border Crisis

Well, it has only taken three years and an upcoming election, but Joe Biden is finally willing to admit there is a small problem at the border.

While the overall number is impossible to nail down, between illegal encounters and gotaways, it is estimated that around eight million illegals have entered the country since Biden started to sit behind the Resolute Desk.

Now, with border legislation on the brink of crashing and burning in Congress, Biden is finally ready to admit that there is a crisis at the border.

Time to Come Clean

For the last week or so, the mysterious border legislation that is being penned in the Senate has been all the talk.

The legislation has yet to be published, so all we have to on regarding its content is the rumors that are flying around D.C.

As I have stated in previous posts, from what I have read about the legislation thus far, it is not worth backing, but again, we still don’t know its full content.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) just came under serious fire for telling everyone to pump the brakes pushing back on the legislation until we see the actual text.

I have not agreed with a lot that Crenshaw has said or done over the last few years, but I agree with him here in that we need to see the full details before making a final call on this.

For Biden, he has been telling the media his hands are tied at the border and that he has done everything in his power to stop the issue, but that is not true.

You don’t increase illegal immigration by roughly 400% on your watch and not take some responsibility for your policies being responsible for that.

The fact of the matter is that Mayorkas and Biden had done an end-around on Congress and are simply ignoring our current immigration laws.

Now, after years of denial of a crisis, Biden finally used the magic word last week, when he released a statement about the border legislation on Friday.

Biden said that he had asked his administration “to begin negotiations with a bipartisan group of senators to seriously, and finally, address the border crisis.”

He addressed Congress directly, stating, “If you’re serious about the border crisis, pass a bipartisan bill, and I will sign it.”

My worry is that the legislation will be presented one day and tried to be forced through within 24 hours, which is pretty typical of how Congress operates these days, with members voting on legislation there is simply no way they could have read through and digested before casting a vote.

Having said that, I will refrain from making any more derogatory comments about the legislation until the full text is published.

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