October 8, 2023

Joe Biden Helped Brother Avoid Responsibility In Fatal Hit-And-Run Car Crash

Breitbart's Alexander Marlow was recently doing research for his book Breaking Biden, when he discovered something that most Americans don't know.

Joe Biden helped his brother, Frank, get away with MURDER.

Frank Biden had a suspended license at the time the events at issue took place in 1999, so he let his young friend named Jason Turton drive his Jaguar to a concert.

Turton didn't know how to operate a stick shift, so Frank Biden sat in the passenger seat doing the shifting and gave Turton instructions.

At one point, the pair had the car cruising at over twice the legal speed limit.

While doing over 70 mph in a 35-mph zone, the Jaguar slammed into a pedestrian crossing the street.

Take a guess as to whether or not Biden and his buddy stuck around.

Of course, they didn't. The two sped off, and single father Michael Albano was pronounced dead a short while later.

Albano's two daughter's wept, but Joe Biden did not.

Neither did Frank Biden, apparently.

Two people who claim to have been in the back seat of Frank Biden's Jaguar at the time of impact reported that Biden told Jason Turton to "keep driving" after smashing the man who was crossing the street.

Eventually, a lawsuit determined that Frank Biden was obligated to pay damages to the two girls whose father had been killed.

In true Biden fashion, he simply never paid.

The two girls reached out to soon-to-be vice president Joe Biden in 2008 with the hope that he would help them collect payment from Frank Biden.

According to Marlow, "Joe’s team covered for Frank, even when it meant denying orphaned girls what was rightfully theirs."

That's not how Biden's office put it, but the final result was exactly the same. His staff wrote:

Senator Biden has received your letter of September 16 regarding a judgment by your clients against his brother Frank. The Senator wishes to express his deep sympathy with the Albano daughters over their loss... Frank has no assets with which to satisfy the judgment. The Senator regrets that this is where matters stand and that he cannot be more helpful.

With interest, Frank Biden's bill would be close to a million dollars by now.

I seriously doubt those girls are ever going to see a single penny of it.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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