October 7, 2023

Joe Biden Can't Finish His Sentences

Former ESPN Anchor Sage Steele recently revealed the details of her 2021 interview with president Joe Biden, and she only needed one word to describe how it went:


That was enough, but she actually elaborated a bit, calling it "the saddest thing."

Steele said that any illusion we see of Joe Biden still having his wits about him is just a trick by his handlers and the television editors, because Old Joe is certainly not mentally fit enough to be leading the most important country in the history of the world.

"The human aspect of what we’re witnessing right now, to me, is heartbreaking," Steele explained.

Joe Biden "couldn't finish his sentences," and frequently "trailed off" according to the reporter.

Biden also apparently had trouble remembering Sage Steele's name throughout the interview.

Not only that, Steele said that whatever Biden was saying to her wasn't always making sense:

He started to tell football stories of his greatness. He goes, "I have the best hands." What do you say to that? And here’s the saddest thing. His voice just trailed off. He said, "I was good," and then he went silent, and he goes …"Uh, never mind."

While Steele's interview happened behind closed doors and was probably edited to make Biden appear halfway competent, there have been instances where Joe's handlers had to take control or risk Biden making a fool of himself in public.

Joe Biden isn't healthy enough to give a speech, much less lead this country.

Jill Biden is doing all of his campaigning for him, America's court system is fighting Trump for him, Hunter Biden is committing crimes for him, and Karine Jean-Pierre is doing the talking for him.

Joe literally can't do anything for himself right now.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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