November 24, 2023

Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter’s Final Moments Made Public

On Sunday, former First Lady Roslyn Carter passed away while in hospice care.

Her husband, former President Jimmy Carter, had been in hospice care for months, defying medical logic and Father Time together.

As Rosyln’s final moments became apparent, the former president asked everyone to leave the two of them alone so they could share one final moment together.

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Jimmy Carter was considered one of the worst presidents in the history of this country until Joe Biden took office.

However, his legacy would always be what he accomplished after he left office, as both he and Rosyln did some amazing work in their post-presidential days.

For that reason, while the Carters are one of the most popular former presidential couples this country has ever seen, the entire country was saddened when we learned that Rosyln was joining Jimmy in hospice care last week.

Initially, the entire family had been with them both, but Jimmy Carter asked everyone to leave so he would have Rosyln’s final moments all to himself.

Chip Carter, their son, described the moment, stating, “My Dad told her he loved her and thanked her for all the wonderful things she had done. Then he asked us to leave so he could be alone with her”

From that point, he said Jimmy held Rosylin’s hand and they sat there together sharing what would be Rosyln’s final moments.

Chip further explained, “Dad told me several times over the last nine months that he had always thought he would outlive Mom and protect her until she passed, but that now he wasn't sure that was going to happen - and that upset him.”

It turned out, Jimmy did outlive Rosyln, but his heart has surely been broken, yet he still plans on attending her funeral on Wednesday, health permitting.

Rest in peace, Rosyln.

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