February 12, 2024

Jill Biden Tries to Explain Why Biden Blanked on Beau Biden’s Death

The special counsel report that was released last week was a gut punch for Joe Biden.

The man has been defending his age and mental health for months, and that report portrayed him as someone not mentally fit to stand trial.

Jill Biden is now stepping in to try to explain why Joe drew a blank when he was asked about details of his son Beau’s death during the investigation.

Wrong Measuring Stick

One would think that date would stick in Joe Biden’s mind forever, especially as much as he brings it up.

Jill, however, says it was not Joe's fault that he could not remember, and went after the special counsel in the process.

In defending Joe’s lack of recollection, Jill stated, "We should give everyone grace, and I can’t imagine someone would try to use our son’s death to score political points.

"If you’ve experienced a loss like that, you know that you don’t measure it in years -- you measure it in grief.

"Believe me, like anyone who has lost a child, Beau and his death never leave him."

First, if that is how Jill Biden feels about Beau’s death, then why was it okay for Joe to write a book about it making millions off his son’s death?

Why is it okay for Joe to constantly bring up Beau’s death on the campaign trail to score points with voters and draw empathy?

If anyone has politicized Beau Biden’s death, it has been Joe Biden, so please spare me the outrage on that front.

As for the report, it went much further in regard to Joe Biden’s memory, which Jill failed to explain away, concentrating on Beau’s death to manipulate feelings.

The report also claimed that Biden could not recall exactly when he was vice president, stating, "In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden's memory was worse.

"He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ('if it was 2013 — when did I stop being Vice President?'), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ('in 2009, am I still Vice President?')."

So, either Joe Biden was acting to avoid charges or, more realistically, especially considering what we have seen of Joe Biden since taking office, he really did not have the ability to recall these dates.

Just to add a little more fuel to this fire, I would mention that during Biden’s outrage over the report, he seemed to fail to forget where his son got the rosary that he always talks about, then misidentified another world leader.

Sorry, Jill, but we are not buying the idea that Joe’s grief is what got in the way of his memory.

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