May 30, 2024

Jill Biden Sounds Desperate Over Upcoming Election

It being election season, you know “The View” will have on Democrats to help them try to push Joe Biden over the finish line.

To that point, Jill Biden appeared on the show this week, but she sounded desperate more than anything else.

She was confronted with Biden’s bad polling numbers as well as the lack of enthusiasm surrounding Biden’s campaign.

They Are Delusional

Democrats continue to push the same narrative that things are much better under Joe Biden than they were under Trump.

To that point, co-host Sunny Hostin stated, “The country, in my view — and in a lot of views — is in a better place on so many fronts.

“Inflation has slowed, unemployment is down, the stock market is soaring, we finally have movement with infrastructure, climate issues…. But some voters are still worried about where America is heading.

“What message does the president have to give to make people get it, that we are in a better place now?”

Jill responded, “We are in a better place now, and what you’re saying is true — we have to get out that message.

“Every vote counts, this election is important, and so we are going everywhere.

“We’re not taking anything for granted, because Joe has done amazing things for this country and we have to get the message out.”

Jill also stated that she sees a big turn in polling as we get closer to the election, stating, “Those polls are going to turn, I’m confident of it, because as time goes on as and as people start to focus more on what’s at stake, and get educated on the issues and the differences between the two men, I believe that Americans are going to choose good over evil.”

Good over evil… that sure sounds like a unification narrative to me.

And good? A man who has been accused of rape, has a stack of evidence against him that he was illegally helping his son’s business ventures, and a family that disowned a toddler conceived during one of Hunter Biden's drug and alcohol fueled affairs...  that does not sound like a good man to me.

Trump is far from a saint, but let’s be realistic about who the real Joe Biden is here.

I think this is more about Jill's realization that once they get kicked out of the White House, she will be the one taking care of Joe full time instead of all his handlers. I am sure sitting around with the puppet all day is not as attractive as the life she has been leading in the White House.

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