June 29, 2024

Op-Ed: Jill Biden should urge husband to step aside

First lady Jill Biden has been CAUGHT red-handed.

It appears that Jill Biden may very well be in denial.

A recent opinion piece published by Yahoo News discussed a rather interesting perspective.

Is Jill Biden simply refusing to accept how bad her husband’s cognitive health has become?

At this point, it was really starting to seem like President Joe Biden has long been little more than a glorified puppet.

With how much the left-leaning media attempts to hide Joe Biden’s true face, Jill Biden aiding in that endeavor is completely out of line.

It honestly does not matter the intent Jill Biden may have -- the more she caters to her ailing husband, the more she is doing a complete and total disservice to the American people.

Jill Biden leads her husband from room to room making sure he does not falter as he walks,, and she is said to have gotten nasty with a member of the White House when Joe Biden slipped up about something on camera.

Essentially, Jill Biden is a huge part of the problem when it comes to America refusing to believe that Joe Biden is not fit to serve another four years in office.

Now, Jill Biden has once again refused to accept her husband’s mental status and instead chalked his failure on the debate stage to a bad performance.

“What my husband does know how to do is tell the truth. When he gets knocked down, Joe gets back up, and that’s what we’re doing today,” Jill Biden said.

Okay, Jill.

The problem with Jill Biden’s logic is that in order to “tell the truth” you have to be able to recall what “the truth” is.

Joe Biden’s recent failure on the debate stage was not a bad performance, it was a look at how serious the president’s cognitive decline has become.

He should not be allowed to run for another term, and it is time that his wife admitted it.

Do you agree?

If you are interested in learning more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the source here.

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