January 14, 2024

Jill Biden says she 'put everything aside' to get country moving amid pandemic challenges

For much of President Joe Biden's tenure in the Oval Office, countless Americans have been wondering just exactly who is running the show and making decisions on his behalf, and according to comments she recently made on MSNBC, first lady Jill Biden is ready to take a decent share of the credit, as Red State notes.

The discussion of the significant role she played virtually from day one of her husband's administration appears to be part of the liberal cable network's ongoing effort to bolster the president's re-election prospects, a push further evidenced by the first lady's recent sit-down with network host Mika Brzezinski.

Whirlwind of activity

According to Jill Biden, the early days of Joe Biden's presidency represented a time in which she had no choice but to “put everything aside” in order to tackle the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite not having been elected to anything, Jill Biden claims she was immediately pressed into service to “get to work and travel around the country, get shots in people's arms, get schools open, give people confidence that the vaccines were going to work.”

“Um, we had to get people back to work...I had to put everything aside that I had planned to do,” she explained.

Reminiscing about her husband's first months in office, Mrs. Biden added, “And think of, if you can think back to three years ago, I mean, think what we were dealing with, think of the mental health issues, that still continue.”

Oh really?

Mrs. Biden's comments sparked swift condemnation from the Republican National Committee's Research arm, which posted a critique to its account on X.

“Jill Biden, Ed.D, claims she 'put everything aside' to 'get schools opened' during the pandemic,” the post began.

The RNC went on, “She's lying – the Biden administration colluded with union cartels and other Democrat special interests to keep schools shuttered for as long as possible.”

As Nick Arama of Red State points out, Mrs. Biden's claims of getting people back to work also ring rather hollow and disingenuous to those with memories capable of reaching back those three years.

“Yes, let's recall how her husband threw people out of their jobs with his mandates, including members of the military who had served for years, and encouraged masks on little children that hurt their development. Does she want to take credit for that as well?” he asked.

Fortunately, Americans have longer memories than the Bidens seem to expect and will, as Arama suggests, reject “the imaginary reality they want to try to sell us, a perverse revision of history in which they are our saviors.”

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