May 29, 2024

Jill Biden Rips Trump on ‘The View’

It is that time of the election cycle when Democrats can go on TV and say whatever they want about Republicans with no pushback.

First Lady Jill Biden took advantage of that on Wednesday by heading over to “The View” to sit down with one of the most liberally biased panels on TV today.

Biden was more than happy to agree with Joy Behar, who stated that Trump was incapable of putting “a sentence together.”

‘The View’ Way

If you go on “The View” as a liberal, you have an open door to say just about anything, and it will go unchallenged.

To be honest, Jill Biden did not even have to throw the first stone, as co-host Joy Behar provided it for the First Lady.

Behar stated, “You know, one of the things that keeps sticking to him which irritates me is about his age. That really drives me nuts because I’m the same age as your husband.

“I’m reluctant to tell that but because I want people to know this is what 81 is, okay? But I know, I have met him a couple of times. He seems right on top of it.

“What do we have to do to tell people that the man is competent, alert, and doing the job and it’s not about his age. The other one is doddering and doesn’t remember anything and can’t put a sentence together and has like brain farts in the middle of a power grab and they go after Joe.”

Jill fed right off her rhetoric, stating, “This election is not about age because like I mean Donald Trump’s going to be, what, 78 and Joe is 81. They’re basically the same age.

“I think the American people deserve a debate because you need to see your choices.

“You need to see Trump and you need to see the president and you need to see the differences, and my husband, and you’re going to see how smart he is and the experience he has and then you’ll see somebody who, like you’re saying, I’ll use Joy’s words, can’t put a sentence together.”

I will be the first to admit that Trump could be a better public speaker, as he tends to go off on weird tangents.

Having said that, he does not stand up there staring blankly like Joe Biden.

I would have loved to have seen a younger candidate for the GOP for this very reason, but there really is no comparison on this front when it comes to Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Biden is a zombie, and Jill Biden should be ashamed of herself for continuing to sell this puppet to the American people as a “sharp” man.

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