November 28, 2023

Jill Biden Does Not Hang Grandkids Stockings Over Fireplace

This week, Jill Biden rolled out the holiday decorations at the White House.

There was one glaring omission that has been in place for the last two years that was missing, however.

That would be the grandkids stockings hung over the fireplace… and there can be only one reason why.

Just Gross

It’s never what people say, it is what they do.

In this case, we have the Bidens who always talk about how much family means to them and that they would do anything for family, including covering for Hunter Biden, who is one step up from a cockroach on my scale.

To understand why this has me so angry, go back to July when Joe Biden finally acknowledged that Navy Roberts, the daughter of Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts, who worked as a stripper in DC, was actually his granddaughter.

In July, Biden had stated, "Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward.

"This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter. Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy.”

Then, after hanging the decorations, Jill stated, "The holidays offer a time for reflection and a break from our hurried lives, a season to be fully present with our friends and our families.

"It's also a season of gratitude."

So, then, why, after finally admitting that Navy is part of the family, were the grandkids' stockings removed from over the fireplace? Could it possibly be because they did not want to hang one for Navy?

What the Biden family is doing to that little girl is despicable, especially when Joe puts on this big front about how great of a grandpa he is and how family-oriented the entire family is.

At some point, Americans will wake up to the fraud that is Joe Biden.

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