January 8, 2024

Jill Biden Appears at Last Minute to Lead Joe Biden Off Stage

On Friday, Joe Biden gave a speech in Pennsylvania to mark the third anniversary of the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

This was Biden’s first real campaign speech to kick off his re-election campaign.

After the speech was over, most people seemed to focus on how Joe Biden made it off stage rather than the actual content of the speech.

Jill Steps In

Biden’s speech was fiery, firing up the Democrats' favorite narrative that Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy.

At the end of the speech, however, Jill Biden appeared on stage, apparently to help make sure Joe was able to get off the stage without shaking hands with an invisible person, falling over a bag, or making a wrong turn.

She took him by the hand and led him off stage as though he were a toddler, a comment I saw regularly on X.

As if that was not bad enough, there was also a video posted of Joe Biden after he left Pennsylvania after having worked all of 32 minutes in the last two weeks.

Jill left Joe’s side a little early after they landed, and Joe looked helpless and appeared to ask the officer who greeted him where he needed to go…

To make matters worse, after skipping out on the traditional end-of-year press conference, MSNBC announced that it has just secured an upcoming interview… with Jill Biden.

So, just as we predicted, it will be Jill Biden as the face of the 2024 campaign, while they keep Joe tucked away and safe from criticism.

Regardless of who wins the GOP nomination, I cannot wait to see the debates prior to the general election to see how Biden holds up.

My guess is that his handlers will pull him out of circulation for about a month to rest up for his big night, then hide him for about a week after so he can recover.

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