December 5, 2023

Jayapal, Other Squad Members Criticized for Failing to Condemn Hamas Violence

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and other leftists appear unable to explain why they are unwilling to condemn sexual violence against Israeli women by Hamas.

A CNN interview noted the concern as Dana Bash spoke with Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY).

"Look, there’s often been a double standard against Israel when it comes to condemning the sheer butchery and barbarism of Hamas," Torres said.

"Public officials have a moral obligation to speak with clarity rather than caveats. And I found it deeply troubling, for example, that the UN Women, the so-called women’s rights arm of the United Nations, went 50 days without commenting on or condemning the sexual atrocities that Hamas perpetrated against Israeli women. For me, this is not about politics. This is about decency. It is indecent to deny or downplay or ‘both sides’ the rape and sexual violence against Israeli women on October 7," he added.

“There are some people at her network that haven’t been as forceful. There are some people at other networks that haven’t been forceful, and [Jayapal] is the chair of the Progressive caucus. The question is, and I want people to really think about this, for months now, for years actually, we’ve heard about women’s rights. We have heard about equal justice,” Fox News host Lawrence Jones said.

“There is an entire campaign of hate toward Jewish people, and the same outrage, the same condemnation, is not being projected," he continued.

The concern over Jayapal and other Squad members over sympathies toward Hamas has become a growing problem since the start of the Israel-Hamas war in October.

Nearly all Washington lawmakers supported a recent resolution to support Israel, with a small number of Squad Democrats in opposition.

The concerns have led to new Democrats announcing primary runs against some Squad members, in addition to Republicans seeking to unseat the anti-Israel House members.

The statements have been so extreme that even fellow Democrats and voters may even oppose them in 2024.

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